Class: Signal

Phaser. Signal

new Signal()

Signals are what Phaser uses to handle events and event dispatching. You can listen for a Signal by binding a callback / function to it. This is done by using either Signal.add or Signal.addOnce.

For example you can listen for a touch or click event from the Input Manager by using its onDown Signal:

game.input.onDown.add(function() { ... });

Rather than inline your function, you can pass a reference:

game.input.onDown.add(clicked, this); function clicked () { ... }

In this case the second argument (this) is the context in which your function should be called.

Now every time the InputManager dispatches the onDown signal (or event), your function will be called.

Multiple callbacks can be bound to the same signal. They're ordered first by their priority arguments and then by the order in which they were added. If a callback calls halt or returns false, any remaining callbacks are skipped.

Very often a Signal will send arguments to your function. This is specific to the Signal itself. If you're unsure then check the documentation, or failing that simply do:

Signal.add(function() { console.log(arguments); })

and it will log all of the arguments your function received from the Signal.

Sprites have lots of default signals you can listen to in their Events class, such as:

Which is called automatically whenever the Sprite is killed. There are lots of other events, see the Events component for a list.

As well as listening to pre-defined Signals you can also create your own:

var mySignal = new Phaser.Signal();

This creates a new Signal. You can bind a callback to it:

mySignal.add(myCallback, this);

and then finally when ready you can dispatch the Signal:

mySignal.dispatch(your arguments);

And your callback will be invoked. See the dispatch method for more details.

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active : boolean

Is the Signal active? Only active signals will broadcast dispatched events.

Setting this property during a dispatch will only affect the next dispatch. To stop the propagation of a signal from a listener use halt.

  • boolean
Default Value:
  • true
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memorize : boolean

Memorize the previously dispatched event?

If an event has been memorized it is automatically dispatched when a new listener is added with add or addOnce. Use forget to clear any currently memorized event.

  • boolean
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add(listener [, listenerContext] [, priority] [, args])

Add an event listener for this signal.

An event listener is a callback with a related context and priority.

You can optionally provide extra arguments which will be passed to the callback after any internal parameters.

For example: Phaser.Key.onDown when dispatched will send the Phaser.Key object that caused the signal as the first parameter. Any arguments you've specified after priority will be sent as well:

fireButton.onDown.add(shoot, this, 0, 'lazer', 100);

When onDown dispatches it will call the shoot callback passing it: Phaser.Key, 'lazer', 100.

Where the first parameter is the one that Key.onDown dispatches internally and 'lazer', and the value 100 were the custom arguments given in the call to 'add'.

If the callback calls halt or returns false, any remaining callbacks bound to this Signal are skipped.

Name Type Argument Default Description
listener function

The function to call when this Signal is dispatched.

listenerContext object <optional>

The context under which the listener will be executed (i.e. the object that should represent the this variable).

priority number <optional>

The priority level of the event listener. Listeners with higher priority will be executed before listeners with lower priority. Listeners with same priority level will be executed at the same order as they were added (default = 0)

args any <optional>

Additional arguments to pass to the callback (listener) function. They will be appended after any arguments usually dispatched.

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An Object representing the binding between the Signal and listener.


addOnce(listener [, listenerContext] [, priority] [, args])

Add a one-time listener - the listener is automatically removed after the first execution.

If there is as memorized event then it will be dispatched and the listener will be removed immediately.

Name Type Argument Default Description
listener function

The function to call when this Signal is dispatched.

listenerContext object <optional>

The context under which the listener will be executed (i.e. the object that should represent the this variable).

priority number <optional>

The priority level of the event listener. Listeners with higher priority will be executed before listeners with lower priority. Listeners with same priority level will be executed at the same order as they were added (default = 0)

args any <optional>

Additional arguments to pass to the callback (listener) function. They will be appended after any arguments usually dispatched.

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An Object representing the binding between the Signal and listener.


dispatch( [params])

Dispatch / broadcast the event to all listeners.

To create an instance-bound dispatch for this Signal, use boundDispatch.

Name Type Argument Description
params any <optional>

Parameters that should be passed to each handler.

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Dispose the signal - no more events can be dispatched.

This removes all event listeners and clears references to external objects. Calling methods on a disposed objects results in undefined behavior.

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Forget the currently memorized event, if any.

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Gets the total number of listeners attached to this Signal.

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Number of listeners attached to the Signal.



Stop propagation of the event, blocking the dispatch to next listener on the queue.

This should be called only during event dispatch as calling it before/after dispatch won't affect another broadcast. See active to enable/disable the signal entirely.

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has(listener [, context])

Check if a specific listener is attached.

Name Type Argument Description
listener function

Signal handler function.

context object <optional>

Context on which listener will be executed (object that should represent the this variable inside listener function).

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If Signal has the specified listener.


remove(listener [, context])

Remove a single event listener.

Name Type Argument Default Description
listener function

Handler function that should be removed.

context object <optional>

Execution context (since you can add the same handler multiple times if executing in a different context).

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Listener handler function.


removeAll( [context])

Remove all event listeners.

Name Type Argument Default Description
context object <optional>

If specified only listeners for the given context will be removed.

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A string representation of the object.

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String representation of the object.


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Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.6.11 on 2025-02-20 using Tomorrow.